
When you add your offer to FloraXchange, it’s important you first add the product details of your offer. To do this, you click on catalog. When you click on ‘add’ you fill in the product data such as the code, de VBN product code (this is required), but also the theme and the transport height. Please note: a VBN code can’t be changed after saving an article. If you want to change the VBN code, you can copy the line and adjust it into the new product line. Do not forget to remove the old product line.

Once you added the general article data of the product, you can also add information such as loadings, stock dependencies and photos. Don’t forget to add your offer. When you add the offer you can also indicate what type of offer (regular of descending) you present. Also, you can indicate the availibity of the product. After that you can put the product online. You can do this by saving the general information and then click on the button ‘put online’.

Merel Prins

Written by Merel Prins

This page was last modified Tue 12 January at 10:28